
1. Deposit Collateral to Trade Futures

Step 1: Go to the Account page, and under the Futures Account section, click on Deposit.

Step 2: Select an asset from a menu under the Asset section and enter the amount to deposit. If this is your first time depositing a certain asset, you must enable it. Click on “Enable” at the bottom to sign the approval from your wallet.

Step 3: To check the new balance of your deposited collateral, click ‘Futures’ from the Menu on the left. From this page, you can monitor the overall status of your Futures account.

2. Deposit Assets to Provide Liquidity

Step 1: Depositing collateral into your LP account is similar. Go to the ‘Account’ page and under the LP Account section, click on Deposit.

Step 2: Select an asset from a menu under the Asset section and enter the amount to deposit. If this is your first time depositing a certain asset, you must enable it. Click on “Enable” at the bottom to sign the approval from your wallet.

Step 3: To check the new balance of your deposited collateral, click ‘LP’ from the Menu on the left. From this page, you can monitor the overall status of your LP account.

Last updated